
Play it Now Sports
Indoor Sports Leagues for Kids & Adults
Kids Leagues--8 week Seasons-- 5 times a Year
The Following sports available in each Kids season:
Soccer, Flag Football, Baseball (T-Ball),
Archery, Basketball, Dodgeball, &
Storm Developmental Volleyball
For weather related closures
As always make the decision to
go out that's best for your family
Play it Now Sports (PINS) Kids Leagues
How does it work?
First our kids sports are broken down into 8 week Sessions or Seasons. During the course of a calendar year we offer 5 different Seasons.
***Exact dates vary each year
WInter II Season (Jan-Feb) ***
Spring Season (Mar-May) ***
Summer Season (Jun-Jul) ***
Fall Season (Aug-Oct) ***
Winter I Season (Oct-Dec) ***
WIthin each 8 week Season the stucture of the Season depends on the sport. Here is the breakdown:
Safari Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football, T-ball and Coach Pitch Baseball all follow a similar plan for the season. Each are 1 day per week for 1 hour. During the first 2 weeks we only work on skills (practice).
Beginning in the 3rd week then we review skills at the start of the session and then split into teams and play (games). All of these sports are teaching and instructional leagues. Most of our players are beginners to intermediate skill levels. Please see schedule for days and times available.
Storm Developmental Volleyball
Kid's Volleyball season structure varies by age group. For ages 6-8 the program is a 1 day per week program.
These ages are focused on skill development.
For ages 9-11 and 12-15 the program is 2 days per week. One practice day (you choose from 3 options) and 1 game day on Friday evenings. Each practice and game last for 90 minutes. Please check schedule.
Developmental Volleyball is for ALL skill levels.
Archery is 1 day per week for 1 hour. We provide all the equipment. Archery is designed for kids with zero to little archery experience. Learn how to shoot.
Dodge Ball is 1 day per week for the last 6 weeks of the Season. It is usually offered on Friday evening at the same time as the Developmental Volleyball games. Dodge ball can be purchased as a 6 week Season or is the only sport we offer as a drop-in.
Check the schedule and drop in on the Fridays you choose.
Other questions please call us---719-591-6010
Each Sport is priced by 8 week Season
Safari Soccer cost is $99/Season
Basketball cost is $99/Season
Flag Football cost is $99/Season
T-Ball cost is $99/Season
Archery cost is $150/Season
Dodge Ball cost is $59/Season
Storm Volleyball ages 6-8
cost is $135/Season
Storm Volleyball ages 9-11, 12-15
cost is $239/Season